You guys! I wrote an eBook! It’s for food bloggers, and it’s about Pinterest! ALL THINGS I LOVE! Get excited — it’ll be officially available July 1st, but you can order for 1/2 price TODAY! {If you’re a blogger of ANY kind, you’ll get a lot out of this book, too!}
Most food bloggers I know have a Pinterest account, but are they using it to their full advantage? Do they even know WHY Pinterest is important for their brand? The importance of growing your Pinterest following lies in this: the more people that follow you on Pinterest, the more people are exposed to your posts and recipes when you pin them! If you have 80 followers, only 80 people {if we assume they ALL see it} are likely to see your new post. If you have 300k followers, 300k people are likely to see your post! The snowball effect takes hold from there, and suddenly your traffic is consistently higher. With Pinterest referrals accounting for more than half of my traffic, it’s definitely a tool I want to take advantage of!
In this eBook I talk about my philosophy behind using Pinterest effectively, your job as the curator of your Pinterest boards, how to appeal to the right audience for your brand, and dive into all the technical details like setting up an account, getting a business account, setting up rich pins, making a Pin-it button overlay, etc. Not only will we talk about what to do on Pinterest itself, but we’ll dive into what you should be doing on your site to make it “Pinterest-friendly.” Sure, a traffic spike from a viral pin is great but how do you turn a new visitor into a loyal reader? We’ll cover exactly how to do just that!
Not too long ago, I had something like 80 followers on Pinterest. I’d get *maybe* five new followers each week. Not really enough to make any difference in my traffic and blog exposure when I pinned one of my own recipes. Then, I learned how to gain followers! Yesterday? I got 250 new followers. That number has a lot of room for improvement, but going from 5-per-week to 250-per-day is not too shabby! I’ll share all of my tips and tricks, what I’ve learned through my own experience, and help you start growing your Pinterest audience, too!
Pinterest For Food Bloggers will be available for download on July 1st for $12, but if you order between now and June 30 you can get it for only $6! What a deal! Do you know a food blogger (or any blogger!) who would benefit from this ebook? Let them know about it {or tweet it!}! If you want to sign up for the Pinterest for Food Bloggers Affiliate Program, click here! You’ll get 50% of each sale!
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST CLICK “SIGN UP FOR UPDATES AND NEWSLETTERS” {when you check out} TO RECEIVE THE EBOOK AUTOMATICALLY ON JULY 1ST. I won’t send anything out other than the eBook, so don’t worry about spam!
I’m so excited to be sharing these tips with you, and am sure you’ll find them useful! I’m working hard to put the finishing touches on the book before July 1, so if there’s anything you especially want covered — let me know in the comments! Check out the Pinterest for Food Bloggers page, which I’ll update with more details after the launch! {Also, in celebration of this launch I’ve reduced the price of the Nut Butters eBook to $9.99! Check it out!}
Marisa @ Uproot from Oregon says
Congratulations Mary on launching another product! While I prefer the edible nature of nut butters, I am sure this is going to be an awesome tool for bloggers! Pinterest drives so much traffic, and we should all be looking to take better advantage of the website.