In thinking about the coming year, and the newness associated with the change, it has been alarmingly clear what I wish for the world in these next 366 (leap year!) days: Love. Don’t stop reading. I’m not talking about a smoochy puppy love or a romantic undying love – I’m talking about a love for one another which crosses all boundaries. A love which puts the best interest of others, not just oneself, as the top priority. A love with questions honestly what is the most beneficial course of action, thing to say or do, in any given situation.
Love is not selfish. Love does foster hate. Love is not really love at all, if it isn’t backed by good motives.
Each of our daily interactions gives us an opportunity to love – from holding a door for someone else to holding our tongues when tempted to say something unnecessary. Holding that door won’t hurt you one bit. Saying whatever it was you thought was quippy and essential really isn’t necessary, is it? Will it make the other person feel loved?
I challenge you all to let go of your fears and timidity about what harm might come from really loving. Ask yourself, in any situation, if you’re making the most loving decision possible.
Happy New Year to all of you!