It’s been a while since I’ve done any picture/life update. Here you go! A random smattering from San Francisco, Big Sky, and life in Bozeman.
Bouchon Bakery. When in Napa, you can’t skip a visit to Bouchon! It was a pilgrimage of sorts.
Goodies galore! We definitely stocked up. I had to fuel for the marathon, right? Duh.
Good thing this picture isn’t a GIF or else you’d see my pathetic day-after-marathon hobble. Why did we decide walking 6+ miles was smart that day? Oh well. It was beautiful!
Our dining room chairs are getting an upgrade from the ugliest fabric possible to some more obnoxious colorful fabric. Halfway done!
OMG PROOF THAT I COOK. But not really. All I did here was chop of the ends of some beans, then was entirely unhelpful.
Umm Derek and a baby? YES. He was surprisingly eager and wonderful with the baby last weekend! #omgomgomg
And again. Sorry. I can’t help it.
Besides our Big Sky downhill weekend, we’ve been doing plenty of skate skiing here on the weekends. And weekdays. Pretty much all the time.
Skate ski turned day-date! We had to check out the new pizza place in town. It did not disappoint!
Garden = Started! Woohoo! Despite the current cold snap (after a week of blistering 55 degree weather!), I started our tomatoes and some herbs. They need all the time they can get! They’re enjoying a week indoors right now, but I’ll move them to the greenhouse as soon as it warms up a bit again.
And that, my friends, is life. Life with two people who are both awful at taking many pictures. I’ll step it up!