I do not consider myself to be a particularly “tidy” person. In fact, I don’t really consider myself to be a tidy person at all. I’m left-handed, what do you expect? As I kid I was known for having a ridiculously messy room, to the despair of my parents. It didn’t matter how many times I cleaned it, or how determined I was (I really WANTED it to be clean!), it would be messy again in no time. In order to get my ears peirced, in fourth grade, I had to promise to keep my room clean for SIX MONTHS. Straight. No breaks. My mom would check, every day, to make sure it was clean, nothing strewn across the floor or flowing out of drawers.
That was not an easy six months.
It’s a testament to how badly I wanted to have my ears pierced that I made it through — and no surprise that the very next day it was a mess again. You’d think, as my parents did, I would have learned a new habit in six months! Ha! Fooled them, didn’t I?
While I am severely untidy, I do like for things to be organized. Yes, there is a difference. At least in my (messy) brain. Organization saves time. Organization makes it easy to find things. So does leaving clothes folded on the floor, rather than put away in the drawers, but that is another problem to tackle. One place I do insist on having tidy and organized is my kitchen. While budgetary constraints have kept me from buying every organizer available at Bed, Bath, and Beyond (and believe me, I would if I could), there are some things I simply HAVE to have. Among these things: organized spices.
When we moved into our new house (which we are LOVING, by the way!) in April, I knew something would have to be done with the spices. We had no convenient place, no hanging spice rack, and no abundance of storage in the kitchen to make it easy. Our spices were living in a Lululemon bag under the chopping block. Gross. Additionally, we had multiple bottles and bags of the same spice (why? WHY!?).
I decided the most convenient place to store them would be on the fridge, in little magnetic containers! Thank you Pinterest! WIN. I ordered some small, airtight, metal containers, bought some magnetic tape and a pen to write on plastic — and that was it! These containers can be bought here, and are highly recommended!
You can get pens and magnetic strips/tape at any craft store that carries glitter. By that I mean, any legitimate craft store.
This couldn’t be easier. I started by organizing (see? organizing!) my spices. I’ll admit that my OCD tendencies made me do this alphabetically.
I then worked, spice by spice, consolidating into my NEW containers! Each new tin was labeled, and then stuck with a hefty strip of magnetic tape. Some of these spices get heavy, so a large strip is definitely necessary. On lighter spices (oregano, basil, etc.) I got away with smaller swatches of magnetic tape.
Fill ’em up, stick ’em on the fridge: you’re good to go! The best part of this operation? Well, besides having organized spices, this was really inexpensive! Not to mention it is so much cheaper to buy spices in the bulk section anyways, so having consistent containers is a must!
The one inconsistency was that I kept “nice” spices separate. Anything from Penzey’s, for example, is still in it’s original jar. Other than that, everything is on the fridge, and really easy to access! I’m very much enjoying this new method, versus our old “bag o’ spices.”
Hillary Brownell says
Love, love, LOVE it. Great idea and fun pics. 🙂
mary says
HILLARY BROWNELL!! Awesome. Thanks for the note – hope the honeymoon was amazing! Also, we wish we could be in Oregon for you two this weekend – have fun!!
IdaBaker says
I love what you've done. I don't know what it is about spices and why we forget what we have. You're not the only one who has more than one of any particular item.
The lid doesn't fall off?
mary says
Thanks! The lid doesn't fall off – it is actually airtight, so nothing gets in or out! I was worried about that too, but they're doing really well!
Margaret says
This is a great idea. I'm not organized either, but spices is one of my pet peeves about having in order. Mine have been "out of order" since moving 3 years ago and I lost my spice order system during the move / storage / move. Time to order some little boxes!
mary says
Woohoo! Have fun!
Laura says
I wish we could do this. Sadly our fridge is blocked by a wall on one side and a counter/cabinet on the other. So we have very little side fridge space and way too many spices! Currently our spices are crammed into a skinny upper cabinet, about 6in wide and 8 deep, 4 shelves tall. In order to get any spices I have to get out a step stool and read every label until I find the one I want. Any suggestions?
mary says
I originally wanted to do this, but had trouble finding the perfect printers tray with equally-sized compartments! This could be mounted anywhere, and I think would be really classy-looking! See if you can find the perfect printers tray and give it a go – these are the same boxes she used for that!
Laura says
Pretty! I would totally do that if I had wall space by my stove! I think we need something creative and unique because of the design of our kitchen…
sandra says
really nice – they look so beautiful all in a row. Only worry I'd have is spillage. Do the containers stay shut at that precarious angle?
mary says
I was a bit worried about that also – and it hasn't been an issue! The containers are air tight, so the lids fit really snug and don't let anything out. I'm really loving using this system!
Ellen MItchell says
I tried this and love the look of the containers. HOwever, I’m having trouble getting the magnetic tape to stick well and consistently. Have you or others had this problem and does anyone have any suggestions as to how to remedy this? Thanks.
Mary says
I had to REALLY firmly hold on the magnetic strip to get it to work… you might take a dab of superglue, if they’re really not sticking!
criatina says
Love this idea !!!, where did you get the containers from ?
Mary says
Thanks! I got them from specialty bottle! Specialtybottle.com
Elise says
Hi! What kind of pen did you use on the plastic lids? &–can you wash and re-write? Thanks 🙂
Mary says
I wish I could remember (or would have noted…) the exact kind! It was a permanent pen, though, so no washing a re-writing. I know it was a metallic pen that said it would write on plastic — and it did!
mpixi says
yeh cool, this is the idea I looked for a long time!!! me too, totally messy and left handed and expecially always chasing the way to be more organized (=^_^=) thanks!
Rosemary says
Don’t apologize for putting spices in alphabetical order. When we were first married and had just moved, I was organizing the kitchen and my (now ex-) husband said “It’s OK as long as you didn’t put the toothpicks under ‘T’.”
Mary says
Ha! Thanks, Rosemary! xo
Donna Rushing says
These tins are air tight, better for spices, and just a few cents more.
Mary says
Thanks for the tip, Donna!