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DroolWorthy is coming to you on island time today… aka a day late. No worries! I spent the weekend on Gili Meno, the smallest/most remote of three islands off of Lombok, the next major island East of Bali. It was cloudy and storms rolled through regularly, but dodging rainstorms and not having to worry (as much) about a sunburn was fine with me! I’ll take a sandy ocean view and my book, rain or shine, any day! More instagram photos to come! How was your weekend? Go anywhere new? Adjusting to the time change?
Here’s what I found on the interwebs this week that made me drool!
- THIS STEAK. Oh yes!
- I want to copy Tracy’s trip to Portland!
- This is so great! “Quinoashington” and “Georgianzola” and “South Dacocoa Puffs” are my favorites… clearly that list keeps growing!
- 20 delicious ways to use tempeh. YES. I’m convinced tempeh is the next kale!
- Turmeric nutmilk tea! OOOH I cannot wait to make this!!
- Roasted tomatillo chicken and rice bowls. Does this not sound like the perfect meal? IT DOES!
- Homemade “mall-style” pretzels. I can’t deny it: I LOVE THESE.
- Cheddar jalapeño green onion doughnuts. WHAT!? This is TOO GOOD!
- My kind of redhead!
- Grapefruit poppyseed muffins. Oooh yes yes yes!
- Mexican breakfast tostadas combine everything that is right in this world! LOVE!
- Simple homemade tomato soup. What a perfect comfort food!
- Turmeric chai. YES PLEASE!
- Roasted pork and caramelized pineapple enchiladas. Are you kidding? I need this STAT!
Did you find anything awesome this week? Please share it with us in the comments below!