Oh. Em. GEE! So much to catch up on! I say that every time, I know. But life is going ten bajillion miles per hour, so it’s true!
Internship news: AWESOME. I got my first choice, and am absolutely loving it. And I’m not just saying that because they know about this blog (oh haaaay guys!). The office is great (helloooo snacks! I’m gonna get fat.), the people are wonderful, and the work is exactly what I want to be doing! I definitely feel like an idiot 90% of the time, but I’m learning a lot and expecting that feeling of inadequacy to diminish… but I also realize that being a developer means always learning new things, running into issues, and figuring them out anyways. Doing it in a supportive, fun environment just makes it way more enjoyable! It’s hard to believe I only have 3.5 weeks left of the internship… TIME IS FLYING.
Other news? Uuuh not tons, I guess. We’ve been going places on the weekends, making the most of weeknights, etc. This weekend is super excited because we are dog sitting CODA! LOVE OF MY LIFE! (sorry Marc). Is he not the absolute cutest? I think so! I’m taking him to work on Friday, because Friday is the day errbody takes their dog to the office. My puppy fever is definitely NOT subsiding. And I’m sure this weekend won’t help (or maybe it will? People always say babysitting is the best birth control, so maybe dog sitting will have the same effect!).
Most importantly, HOW ABOUT THIS GNOCCHI!? Brown butter + white wine + ALL THE BASIL + sausage + crushed red pepper + gnocchi. That’s it. For reals. Life CANNOT get better. It’s crazy easy, super tasty, easily adaptable, and pretty much guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser. Just make sure you make 10000x the recipe quantities, because people will want LOTS.
Have a wonderful rest of your week! Enjoy the gnocchi! xoxo
- 2 Tbsp butter
- ½ tsp crushed red pepper flakes
- 2 large sausages (I used spicy), sliced to rounds
- 1 cup white wine
- 18 oz. dry gnocchi
- 1 cup fresh basil leaves
- salt & pepper
- Put a large pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil while you cook the rest of the recipe.
- In a small skillet or saucepan, melt the butter. Stir occasionally, scraping the bottom of the pan, and bring the butter to a simmer. It should fizzle and pop. Continue to stir occasionally. Once the popping has died down, keep an eye on the solids in the pan: we want them to be a dark golden brown, but not to burn. Once they turn dark brown, pour the butter {scraping everything in the pan along with it} into a separate container so it won't continue to cook, and add the crushed red pepper flakes. Set aside.
- Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat, and add the sausage rounds. Our goal is to crisp them up a bit, so high heat and browning edges are great!
- When the sausage is nearly done cooking, add the white wine to the sausage. At the same time, make sure the water is boiling, then add the gnocchi and cook for 90 seconds or 2 minutes before scooping out and adding to the sausage pan.
- As you add the gnocchi to the sausage, also add the brown butter. Stir everything together and allow to simmer for a few minutes.
- Turn off the heat, add the basil, and stir to help it wilt. Season with salt and pepper, and serve hot!
Yay! So glad the internship is going well! Can’t wait to hear more. And you should totally get a puppy!!!!! I fully support that.
Thanks, Erin!! xoxo
I’m seriously fighting off the puppy cravings too! Even though logistically my brain knows it doesn’t make sense. These gnocchi though – all of my favorite things!
RIGHT!? Argh. Screw being practical! (except my practical brain wins out 99% of the time so … no puppy…)