Today I bring you a very simple blogging tip for an issue that you might not even be aware of! For every link you post — to an affiliate link, another blog, an old recipe of yours — you have an opportunity. You can either give your reader a reason to leave, and help them do it, or keep them on your site while still giving them a helpful link.
How does this happen? By setting the target. If you click a link, and your browser automatically loads a new tab or window, the target is set to “blank.” If you click a link, and you’re then re-directed off of the current page in order to see the next page, the target is not set to “blank.” If I’m reading a site that mentions something else, but I’m not yet done with the current article, I get really annoyed if the link takes me away from the original page. Not only that, but the author of the original page has just lost my visit — and I may or may not come back.
Don’t give your readers a reason to leave permanently — let them click and open in another tab! It’s really simple, and just involved adding a tiny bit of code into any link. A normal link with usually appear like this:
You want to add the code highlighted below in blue:
That one tiny piece of code will open links in a new tab or window! Easy! If you use wordpress to insert links, rather than writing the code, it’s even easier! Just click “open link in new window/tab” and you’re good to go!
Now, you can still link to relevant and helpful content without losing your readers to another site! Woohoo!
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